Signable is an e-signature product which allows users to send documents to Candidates and/or Clients for electronic signature directly from within their Influence database.
** IMPORTANT ** To use the integration you will need to purchase the Influence Add-On for Signable (Please contact our sales team.). You must also take out a subscription with Signable. Your Signable pricing plan must be Small Business Plan (or higher) to work Pay-As-You-Go will not work Use this link to create your signable account. NOTE: The feature is only available from release Ver: or later |
Contents (Click an item to jump to that section)
- Overview (Sign-up Process)
- How It Works
- Create a Signable Account & get your API Key
- Setup Parameters & API Key
- Setup the UAC (User Access Control)
- User Setup Signable Credentials
- Troubleshooting
Overview (Sign-up Process)
Influence has integrated with Signable using their API to allow users to send documents directly from Influence and track the signature of these documents.
Examples might be sending a candidate an employment contract to sign before sending them out as a TEMP worker, or sending Contracts to Clients/candidates to sign when placing a freelance worker into a fixed term contract placement.
You can find out more information at
To ensure that the account gets create with the correct permissions, API keys, etc please use the link below to create your Signable account. Use this link to create your signable account. To use the integration you will need a Signable account and an e-signature license add-on from Influence. Please contact our sales team to purchase the relevant license. |
NOTE: After you have created your account, please send account details and your API KEY to so that we can add the details to your Influence database.
(See below for how to get your API KEY details.)
How It Works
i) Make your document in Influence (e.g. A candidate Contract)
ii) The document get sent to Signable
iii) The recipient gets an email from Signable instructing them to go online and 'sign' the document.
iv) Once they have signed the document the original sender can be notified that the document has been signed. At this point (if they wish) they can download the signed document and drag/drop it into Influence to store the e-signed copy. (NB: A copy of the e-signed document is also stored online in your Signable account.)
Create a Signable Account & get your API Key
NOTE To use the integration your Signable pricing plan must be Small Business Plan (or higher) for the API to work. Their Pay-As-You-Go plan does not support their API. Use this link to create your signable account. Use this link to create your signable account. |
Use the link above to create a Signable account.
Once you have a Signable account, find your API key.
To find your API key, login to your account and go to the Company Profile section.
Select API & Webhooks and make a note of your API Key.
(A typical API key would look something like 22d98x98a1de12ab34c9c00b097xx5xx )
Tip: If you cannot find your API Key then check the Signable support pages for documentation or contact Signable and ask them to assist you. |
Setup Parameters & API Key
Next, you will need to login and record details of your Signable API key, so that the two systems can talk to each other.
NOTE: If you are unsure here, please call and speak with our support team; we will be happy to help you put your Signable API information into the system, |
Login as the ADM userID (or other high-priority user) and go to Maintenance > Setup > Parameters.
Select the parameter set called ESIGNAT (Electronic Signature) and press [OK]
Choose the [Paths] tab and set parameter (2) API Key to your API Key
Then select the [Text] tab. (See below)
API User Name | This should be left |
API Password | Do not change the API password - this should always be set to x |
UAC Group for E-Signing | This will be set to E-SIGNERS |
(Internal only: Influence staff please see Setup Guide for more detailed info.) |
Setup the UAC (User Access Control)
You will need to create a User Access Control within Influence to specify which users are able to send documents.
{If you want all users to be able to send documents via signable, then set the 'All Users' control to Full Access. See below}
Login as ADM (or a high priority user), then go to Maintenance > Setup > User Access Control.
Select the E-Signers group and setup a list of the users who should be able to post to Signable. (See example below)
NB: If there is no E-Signers Group, then one will need to be created using Maintenance > Setup > UAC Definitions. When creating the group make sure to use the code E-SIGNERS (as specified in parameter ESIGNAT, Text(3) mentioned above.) |
User Setup Signable Credentials
Each user needs to add their SIGNABLE Credentials so that Influence knows which user to post the info to Signable as.
To do this, Login to the system with your UserID, then click the small 'House' at the top of the screen.
Then select the Signable tab and set your credentials. (Versions after will show a list of all valid users in Signable)
Enter your own email in the User/email box, or the relevant 'user' if you are sharing with someone else.
Important: When setting the User/email it is CASE SENSITIVE, so 'Reception' is not the same as 'reception'. |
Specify which documents need to be signed & add Template Merge Fields
You will need to specify which documents need to be signed so that Influence knows which documents to submit via Signable. This can be done as below:
Go to the [Docs] tab of the relevant object (Candidate, Contract, Vacancy, Client, etc.)
Make a note of the document(s) which you wish to be signed. Any (or all) of the 10 available documents slots can be setup as requiring to be E-signed.
Now go to Maintenance > Tools > Template Maintenance.
Select the [Word] tab and click the [... ] button to choose the relevant template.
Specify who should e-sign the document by selecting E-Signature Contact [ ] or E- Signature Candidate [ ]
If both these options are left unticked, it *is* possible to choose who you wish to be the signatory at the time the document is generated.
Next click the [Edit Template] button to open the document.
You can then either use the Field Picker to choose various fields from the Signable Merge Fields section and add these to the document.
You can manually add the fields to the document by typing/copying them onto the page.
Types of Fields which can be added.
Any of the fields below can be simply copied/pasted into your Word document template.
A Check-Box (i.e. something to be ticked) | {check:signer1:Please+Tick} This field is for a responsive tick box. If it is to be optional then you need to include a ?, e.g. {check?:signer1:Please+Tick} |
A Text Box (i.e. A field that can be typed into ) | {text:signer1:Your+Name} This field can be used as a free text box. |
A File-Upload Field (i.e. A field used to select and upload a file or document.) | {upload:signer1:Please+Upload+Files} This field is for uploading supporting files. |
A Signature Field (i.e. A field used to capture a graphical signature.) | {signature:signer1:Please+Sign+Here} This field is for recording signatures. |
A Date Field (i.e. A field used to capture a date.) | {date:signer1:Please+Sign+Here} This field is for storing dates. |
- For any of the above fields, you can substitute signer1 with any of the others signers, such as signer2,signer3.
- Fields can be made optional by using a question mark (?) after the field type.
e.g. {check?:signer1:Please+Tick+If+Required}
For any of the fields listed above, the description is the bit after the colon (:)
e.g. A Text field could be {text:signer1:Your+Name} {text:signer1:Your+Current+Role}
It is also possible to control the size of the field when it is displayed within Signable. This can be done by specifying the Width and Height, e.g.
{text, w200 h40:signer1:Your+Name}
For more information about using these 'Tag' fields please see the Signable documentation at
Tip: As a minimum we recommend you add 'Name 1' , 'Signature 1' and 'Date 1' to the document which you wish to be signed. (Optionally you can add other names/signers/dates if required) |
Signature fields can be added to any of the Template documents seen in the 10 'slots' on the [Docs] tab of records in the database.
Any template which has been setup as an e-Signature document will be indicated with a new icon showing an Arrow and the word [Signable] in the description.
Optional - Set a Default Signatory
It is possible to specify a particular contact at a client as the default signatory. This is useful if you regularly send lots of documents to the same client for signature.
To do this go to the client record and select the contact. Open the contact record and choose the [Manage] tab.
Use the e-Sign drop-down to select a default for this contact.
Using the e-signature facility is easy, and simply requires the user to click on the icon to make the template, which will then be submitted to Signable and tracked appropriately. It is likely that the process described in Example 3 (Using a Journal) will be the most common method employed by users to submit documents.
Examples of Usage (Click a link to jump to the example.)
Example 1 - Using a Template Document
Example 2 - Using the Toolbar WORD Icon
Example 3 - Using a Journal to send Documents for E-Signature *(Most common)
Example 4 - Email to recipient with link.
Example 1: Using one of the 'Template' documents on the [Docs] Tab.
Assuming the [Candidate Contract] template has been setup with the correct Merge fields and was ticked to require E-Signature by the candidate.
(This shows the template is set for 'E-signature' - the actual word document itself will contain relevant merge fields for Name, Date, Signature, etc.)
To send a contract to a candidate go to a contract/placement record and choose the [Docs] tab. Click the icon next to the Candidate Contract. The system will open the document in MS Word, which can be amended/edited in the normal way. When done click SAVE and upload the document to Influence.
The system will then display a Pop-up form for you to complete, asking for:
Candidate | The name/email address of the person who will need to sign the contract. |
Signer 2 | A Second signatory for this contract (if required) |
Consultant | The Consultant who is submitting the document to Signable. |
CC1/CC2/CC3 | Up to 3 additional recipients who will be informed (by email) that this document requires to be signed. |
Complete the pop-up form which is displayed and choose the relevant Signer(s) and 'cc' recipients. Then press [OK]
The system will then pass the relevant document to Signable. An email will be sent to the recipient telling them they have a document to sign and containing a link for them to click so they can see the document and sign it.
Example 2: Using the Toolbar MS Word icon to make a template.
Sending a document such as a 'Confidentiality Agreement' directly to a candidate, where the template has no 'default' signatory specified.
1. Go to the candidate record and click the MS Word icon at the top of the screen to make a Word template. Use the drop-down to select the template and then tick the E-Sign Candidate [ ] option. Then press [OK].
2. Having made (and saved) the Word template, the system will then display the [Signable] pop-up screen for the user to choose the candidate who is required to sign the document.
Pressing [OK] will submit the document to your Signable account for tracking and e-signature. The recipient will get sent an email with a link to the document, telling them they need to sign it.
Example 3: Using a Journal and Attaching Multiple Documents.
Another way to submit documents to Signable is to use an email journal and simply attach the document(s) you wish to be signed.
1) Create a Journal as you normally would (i.e. Click on a phone/email address). When the Journal Entry Screen opens change the Method to E-Signature .
IMPORTANT: The Subject that you type into the Journal will become the Document Description that the recipient sees within Signable. |
(See below for example of document description in Signable)
2) You may be prompted to choose an email address for the candidate (if they have multiple emails) - Use the drop-down to choose the relevant address and pick the E-Signature Icon (not the Email envelope)
Note: The e-Signature Icon will only appear if your Signable login credentials have been set against your UserID |
3) Finally use the [Attachments] tab to select the document(s) you wish to attach for E-Signature.
NOTE: When attaching document(s) you should attach documents which have the E-Signature fields included. If you attach a document which does not have the E-Signature fields, then it will be submitted to your on-line Signable account, but the recipient will not be able to E-Sign the document. |
Example of the email containing a Link
Below is an example of the type of email the recipient gets telling them they have a document to sign, and a link to click.
Sometimes things don't quite work out; these are some helpful tips about things to check or look for:
- Early versions of Influence had a problem which meant the system does not find ALL Users when using the API. To fix this update to a version later than
- Make sure Signable is turned on (i.e. Parameter ESIGNAT, Flag(1) = S )
- Check the CASE of Teams/Users that have been setup.
e.g. If you have created a user in Signable called Reception then make sure that the details on the user profile (House icon in the toolbar) also say Reception since reception will not work! (Small 'r' vs capital 'R' )
Error Messages you may see:-
i) HTTP: 401 Authentication Failed. Your account needs to be on a plan that includes API access.
In this case the system is displaying an error message returned from the Signable website indicating that it is unable to connect to the website and login using your credentials.
Please contact Signable about this error as the problem is at their end (either their website/server is down or there are problems with your signable account)
ii) Signable server Error
A messages such as the one below indicates a problems with the Signable servers. (In this example it was caused by issues in the Amazon data centres where Signable host their servers.)
In this case users should contact Signable for more information about the problem, since it is totally outside of Influence.
- If after generating a signable document within Influence and the user is unable to select themselves (by typing their name) in the 'Consultant' field of the signable window. Ensure the email address is correct against the User Profile. If the user has their own profile in the Signable portal, ensure the email address matches within Influence User profiles as well.
iii) 'Unable to access User list from Signable' upon entering User ID credentials
A message such as the one below indicates the the system is unable to download a list of users from Signable using JSON.
It is because Parameter ESIGNATURE,Flag(4) has been set to S and not C
To fix the issue, simply set ESignature, Flag(4) = C then log OUT/IN again
See below
iv) Post Failed 400
Sometimes when sending item(s) to Signable for e-signature you may see an error message such as Post Failed - Status = 400
This is a message from Signable to indicate the posting has been rejected at their end. The message is generated by Signable, but simply displayed in a window within Influence for ease.
Possible Causes:
1) There are more signers than you have specified on any Template.
i.e. it is common to send Client TERMS to a contact where they are the sole signer.
Do not include yourself (or anyone else) as the third signer if you do not have a signer3 merge field within the document.
This creates a conflict, as there are more singers passed up to Signable than those accounted for in the template document - the document may required signer 1 only, but you have provided signer 1 and signer 3.
2) There is a problem with an email address for one of the Signers
If an email address is invalid, for example if there is an extra dot (.) at the end of the email for the Signer (contact or candidate) << There is an extra 'dot' at the end of the email
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