CV Import Tool (Automatic)

Created by Martin Parkinson, Modified on Thu, 6 Jul, 2023 at 2:28 PM by Martin Parkinson

The Influence Professional database has the ability to scan a mailbox folder for emails with CVs attached and automatically import the CVs into the database and create new candidate records if applicable.

Effectively the system will periodically scan an MS Exchange mailbox folder looking for CVs and then import them into the database.

In order to run the import you will need to setup a specific UserID in your influence database and you will need to leave session logged-in to the database constantly scanning the mailbox for CVs.

(Note: Because of the need for an additional session constantly monitoring the mailbox you may need to purchase an additional Influence user licence)

Also when using the AUTO tool to import CVs into the database, (from Version the system spots a duplicate it will store the document on the [DOCS] tab of the existing candidate record.

Contents  (Click an Item to Jump to that section)

MS Exchange Considerations

System Parameters & Controls

Import Mode - Delete Vs Move

Auto Delete
Auto Move


Selecting Destination Folders

CV Word Detection

System Setup

CV Enquiry Source Detection 

Duplicate CV's setting as Original CV

Appendix 1

MS Exchange Considerations

Because the system will be scanning a MS Exchange mail folder, you may need to speak to your IT support provider and ask them to setup a suitable mailbox.  

You will also want to consider how the emails arrive in this mailbox. You could simply take emails that you receive yourself and email them to this address, thus ensuring that only emails suitable for processing are in the mailbox, or you could ask your IT provider to setup forwarding rules so that emails with CVs attached are copied to you  sent to the auto-import mailbox as well.

When deciding whether to forward emails or allow applicants to send their emails directly to this mailbox you may want to consider if you are going to run the auto-import in Move Mode or in Delete Mode; each mode has its advantages.

In delete mode, you may want to make sure that another copy of the email has been stored elsewhere by any forwarding rules, whereas move mode will keep a copy of the email after processing.

Please contact your IT Support provider or see the Microsoft help documentation for assistance with MS Exchange forwarding rules.

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System Parameters and Controls

The operation of the automatic CV import tool is controlled by various system parameters within Maintenance > Setup > Parameters. These parameters are described below.

PRO-WBEN, Text(3)  UserID Outlook Auto Mode
Specifies the UserID  which will run the import tool in AUTO mode.
When users login with this UserID (often AUTO) then choosing the CV Import tool will cause it to run in auto-mode, which will examine a mailbox for CVs, detach them from the emails, parse them for skills/attributes and create Candidates.
REC_E, Flag(10) - CV Import Tool to upd First Duplicate CV Tab
If this is set, then when processing CVs, any CV documents which are believed to be duplicates will be stored on the [Docs] tab of the relevant candidate in a folder called 'Duplicates'.


Note: The system will update the 'White-space' seen on the [CV&Skills] tab of the existing candidate, but will not replace the 'original CV' in Slot-1 on the[DOCS]tab.

The processed email will be moved to the 'Processed' folder. (If the processed folder has not been specified then the email will be moved to the 'Duplicates' folder for manual processing to decide whether or not to import the attached CV and the existing candidate will not be updated in any way.)

WORKBENCH, Flag(2) “CV Tool Auto Mode D'elete or M'ove”
 This specifies if the auto-import runs in Delete Mode or Move Mode (Default is “D”)
Workbench, Flag(11) - CV Import recognition, Filename, Content or Both

Set to F to use the FILENAME as the only method for identifying the CV
Set to to simply scan the content of the file looking at 'buzz words' irrespective of filename.
Set to to use a combination of Both - i.e. a suitable filename AND some matching words
Workbench, Integer(17) - CV Import Buzzword hits needed for CV

You can specify a number of the Buzzwords which must be identified before the system will treat the document as a CV, e.g. 3 or 4.

The buzzwords referred to above are stored in a code table, and are CASE SENSITIVE.
i.e. The phrase Work History is treated differently than work history when scanning for word patterns.
RecE, Flag (32) - CV Import Tool Upd 1st Dup with Dup Journal
If set, then when the Import tool identifies a CV which may be a duplicate, the File itself will be added/stored on the [DOCS] tab as a duplicate and the original email containing that file will be added to the candidate as a Journal.
RecF, Flag (2) - CV Auto Import, UFD Overwrite Enq Source

If set, when the system imports a file and detects it may be a duplicate of an existing record, when updating the first of these duplicates with this new CV, it will also overwrite the ENQ Source of the existing record to reflect that of this most recent CV. (Previously it would leave the Enquiry Source as it was, so you could see where the candidate was very-first sourced from.)

RecF, Text (6) - CV Auto Import, Update 1st Dup Status

If set, then when the Import tool identifies a duplicate CV and updates the candidate, the Status of the candidate will be changed to this value unless the candidate is at certain other (specified) statuses. The checks the Extra Info [   ] on code table Candidate Status [911] and will exclude statuses which are 'Locked' or marked as 'No Status Update'

CODE TABLE: Candidate Enquiry Source [913]

Within this code table, the column [Email address] gives source. If the column labelled [Don't Assume CV] is set to "1.0" then on auto import emails the system checks the  attachment name looking for something that appears to be a CV rather than just assuming that an attachment is a CV"

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Import mode - Delete Mode vs Move Mode

Auto with Delete Mode

Any emails processed are added as Candidates to the database then deleted from the folder being polled.

If the system processes a CV which it believes to be a duplicate* of an existing candidate on the database, then the system will update the [CV&Skills] tab of the existing Candidates(s) in the database, store a copy of the CV on the [Docs] tab of the candidate record, Create a new folder on the [Docs] tab of a candidate and store the duplicate and also update the date field called "Duplicate Added" to record the date that a duplicate CV was processed and added (automatically) to the database.

(*To detect a duplicate the system looks at the email address, Mobile Tel or phone number from theprocessed CVand compares these with existing records in the database.)

NB: When updating anexisting candidate the systemwill replace the text shown on the CV*Skills page of the existing candidate record in the database but will not replace the'Original CV' in slot-1on thecandidate [Docs] Tab. It willnot amendany of the name/address/tel/email details of theexisting candidate record,as then may not be correct.

If desired userscan easily report on candidatesthat have had a "Duplicate Added" over a period using the'duplicate added' date, and thenmanuallydecide if they wish to amend any of the contact details for these

Auto with Move Mode

When running in this mode, processed emails are moved rather than deleted. Users will be asked to select the folders from the mailbox when they start the import process, as well as a source folder for the CVs to be processed.

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There are several  folders which need to be specified.

 The folder which will be scanned by the Auto-import process.
  Any emails which resulted in a CV being created will be moved to this folder.
 Any emails which contain CVs which the system believes to be duplicates of existing candidates in the database OR are duplicates in the current batch OR have little or no details (i.e. No Forename and Surname can be extracted from the attached CV) will be moved to this folder.
The idea is that someone should periodically review this folder and manually take any CVs from this folder and decide if they wish to add them to the database or update the existing candidate.
 Any email which has multiple attachments which are not ALL detected as CVs will be moved to this folder.    From version (or later)
 Any email which has an attachment where no information can be extracted (e.g. The document is  or all the content is contained within 'Text Boxes') will be moved to the unparsable folder rather than 'processed'.

The idea is that someone should periodically check this folder to see what (if anything) should be done with these attachments.

Note: If emails have come from specified email addresses. e.g. the system can be told to treat all attachments as CVs and they will be processed and moved to the "Processed" folder. See Appendix 1 for how to specify email addresses.

Selecting the destination folders:-

Make sure you are logged in as the userID "Auto" [or whatever UserID is set with parameter PRO-WBEN, Text(3) ]

Choose Mailbox CV Tool from the options at the left.
The click on each of the items labelled as * Select Folder - xxxxxxxx and choose the relevant folder from the mailbox.

(See below for example)

Note: All four mailboxes (Source, Processed, Duplicates, Unselected) must be specified. If no source folder is specified it will use the default mailbox (Inbox). If you try and start the process running you will be automatically prompted to specify the 3 other destination folders.

From version (or later) a fifth folder (unparsable) can be selected, and folder checking has been introduced

i.e. If all of the 4 (or 5) folders have not been specified, the system will warn the user that auto-processing is not possible since the relevant folders cannot be accessed.

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CV Word Detection  

From version (or later) it is possible to specify "CV word" Detection. This will attempt to determine if an attachment is a CV in one of several ways.

i) The system looks at the filename - if it contains CV, Curriculum Vitae or Resume as part of the file name, it will assume the attachment is a CV to be parsed.

ii) The system will look at the 'from' email address for the CV. Emails coming from specified addresses such as Monster, CV Library, etc will be treated as CVs

ii) Optionally, the system can be made to look at CV words - this will work in conjunction with method (ii) and will convert the file to an RTF document on the server and will then scan the content of the document looking for specific words or phrases.

System Setup   (Optional)

The CV word detection is controlled with two parameters.

Workbench, Flag(11) - CV Import recognition, Filename, Content or Both
Set to F to use the FILENAME as the only method for identifying the CV
Set to C to simply scan the content of the file looking at 'buzz words' irrespective of filename.
Set to to use a combination of Both - i.e. a suitable filename AND some matching words

Workbench, Integer(17) - CV Import Buzzword hits needed for CV

You can specify a number of the Buzzwords which must be identified before the system will treat the document as a CV, e.g. 3 or 4.

The buzzwords referred to above are stored in a code table, and are CASE SENSITIVE.
i.e. The phrase Work History is treated differently than work history when scanning for word patterns.

An example of code table CV Tool Words [458] is shown below.

If the column 'Is CV' contains a Y then if the word/phrase is seen in the document content the system will treat the document as a CV immediately.

If the column 'Is CV' contain an N, then if the word/phrase is spotted in the document content it counts as a "Hit". Once the system accumulates enough separate 'Hits' the document will be treated as a CV. (The number of 'Hits' to qualify as a CV comes from Workbench, Integer[17]).

When scanning the content of an attachment, the system would see the phrase
C U R R I C U L U M    and instantly treat the document as a CV.

However the document did not contain a word such as CURRICULUM to instantly identify it as a CV, the system would scan for the other words. It is saw the word Hobbies  this would trigger 1 "Hit" - Seeing the word Education would trigger a second "Hit". Once enough different words have been seen it then treats the document as a CV.

The number of words needed is held/controlled by parameter Workbench, Integer[1

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CV Enquiry Source Detection

From version (or later) it is possible to specify the source of the CV.
If the subject line of the email contains the code for the Enquiry Source in the subject line between double square brackets, it will be set.

e.g.  If the mail subject said:   CV from john Smith, from [[HM]] 

Then the system would take the 'HM' bit and set this as the Enquiry Source

NB: Enquiry Sources are held in the code table Candidate Enquiry Source [913]

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Duplicate CVs can be set as Original CV

When using the AUTO tool to import CVs into the database, if the system spots a duplicate it will store the document on the [DOCS] tab of the existing candidate record.

[Available after version]

(see below)

 If you Right Click on this document you will be presented with a menu of actions, and can choose to set the duplicate document as the 'original CV' for the candidate.

NB: If you do replace the 'Safe CV' with a new document, the system will also replace the text which is displayed on the [CV&Skills] tab of a candidate with the new content and also allocate any new Attributes if there are any new word patterns in the text to trigger these attributes.


When viewing the main candidate record, then the system will indicate that there are duplicate CVs stored with a Warning message located near to the candidate name.

(See below)

NB: If you click on the Warning  icon it will take you directly to the [DOCS] tab of the candidate

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Appendix 1

It is possible to specify certain email addresses as specific Enquiry Sources. When processing emails from these email addresses the system will AUTOMATICALLY set the Enquiry Source filed for the candidate, and will also KNOW that the attachments are to be treated as CVs irrespective of the filename for the *.doc or *.pdf attachments.

To do this go to Maintenance > Setup > Codes tables and select the Cand Enq Source [913] code table.

Tick the Extra info [  ] box then use the Email/Sender column to specify the domain or email address which relates to the selected Enquiry Source.

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