Special Template Fields

Created by Martin Parkinson, Modified on Sun, 2 Jul, 2023 at 3:22 PM by Martin Parkinson


Date Formats

Word and Journal Template dates may now be formatted differently to dd/mm/yyyy by adding  _?? as a suffix to the field name within the [[ ]] where the ?? is a number from 1 to 18.



Formats are as follows:

1)     DD/MM/YY

2)     DD/MM/YYYY

3)     DD-MMM-YY

4)     DD-MMM-YYYY

5)     DDth Month YY

6)     DDth Month YYYY

7)     Month DDth, YY

8)     Month DDth, YYYY

9)     MM/DD/YY

10)   MM/DD/YYYY

11)   Day of Week

12)   Month Name

13)   Day Number

14)   Month Number

15)   Year Number YY

16)   Year Number YYYY

17)   Week No WW/YY

18)   Week No WW/YYYY


Special Fields

[[SPC_TIME]]                                                       Current time

[[SPC_DATE2]]                                                    DD/MM/YY

[[SPC_DATE3]]                                                    DD/MM/YYYY

[[SPC_DATE4]]                                                    DD-Mmm-YY

[[SPC_DATE5]]                                                    DD-Mmm-YYYY

[[SPC_DATE6]]                                                    DDth Month YY

[[SPC_DATE7]]                                                    DDth Month YYYY

[[SPC_DATE8]]                                                    Month DDth, YY

[[SPC_DATE9]]                                                    Month DDth, YYYY

[[SPC_DATE10]]                                                  MM/DD/YY

[[SPC_DATE11]]                                                  MM/DD/YYYY

[[SPC_DATE12]]                                                  Day of Week

[[SPC_DATE13]]                                                  Month Name

[[SPC_DATE14]]                                                  Month Number

[[SPC_DATE16]]                                                  Year Number YY

[[SPC_DATE17]]                                                  Year Number YYYY

[[SPC_GROSS_VAL]]                                            Gross Placement Value

[[SPC_VAT_VAL]]                                                 Placement VAT Value

[[SPC_DOC_TOT]]                                                 Document Total

[[SPC_INV_NO]]                                                    Invoice Number

[[SPC_DIRECTIONS1]] [[SPC_DIRECTIONS2]]    URL to showing the route between candidates’ and interview address


User Fields

[[USR_USR_NAME$]]                             User Name

[[USR_LOC_DESC$]]                             Job Title

[[USR_PHONE$]]                                   Telephone Number

[[USR_USR_EMAIL$]]                            Email Address


Candidate Fields

[[ENID_TITLE$]]                                  Title

[[ENID_FORENAME$]]                          Forename

[[ENID_SURNAME$]]                            Surname

[[ENID_POSITION$]]                            Current Job Role

[[ENID_ADDR]]                                   Address of Candidate  
(when using this in a journal template, please add 6 times in the space where the address is required)

[[ENID_AGE]]                                      Age

[[ENID_DOB]]                                      Date of Birth

[[ENID_AREA$<1>]]                             Area Code

[[ENID_CREAT_DATE]]                         Date Candidate created

[[ENID_CURRENT_SAL]]                       Current Salary

[[ENID_CURR_EMP$]]                           Current Employer

[[ENID_CURRENT_OTE]]                       Current On Target Earnings

[[ENID_BASIC_SAL]]                            Minimum salary looking for

[[ENID_OTE]]                                       Minimum OTE looking for

[[ENID_EMAIL$]]                                  Email Address

[[ENID_MOBILE$]]                                Mobile Number

[[ENID_PHONE$]]                                 Phone Number

[[ENID_STATUS$]]                              Candidate Status (LIVE etc.. )

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_01]] to

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_10]]                      Candidates Role Description


[[SPC_PERS_EXP_01]] to

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_10]]                         Candidates Person / Experience required



to [[ SPC_QUAL_DESC_10]]                 Candidates Qualification Text


[[SPC_LAST_CONTACT]]                      Candidates Last Contact

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC1]]                 Key codes description 1 to 5

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC2]]                 Key codes description 6 to 10

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC3]]                 Key codes description 11 to 15

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC4]]                 Key codes description 16 to 20

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC5]]                 Key codes description 21 to 25

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC6]]                 Key codes description 26 to 30

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC7]]                 Key codes description 31 to 35

[[SPC_KEY_CODE_DESC8]]                 Key codes description 36 to 40

[[SPC_PROFILE_01]]                           Candidate Profile Text lines 1 to 10

to [[SPC_PROFILE_10]]        


Special Text Fields – Candidates

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_ORIGINAL_CV_D0C$]]               Candidate original CV document – header, body and footer text 
(where this exists)

[[TXT_CANDIDATE_CV$]]                    Candidate CV Text

[[TXT_CANDIDATE_SUMMARY$]]          Summary Text 

[[TXT_CANDIDATE_PROFILE$]]            Profile Text


Site Fields

[[CMS_SITE_NAME$]]                           Company Name

[[CMS_SITE_DESC$]]                           Site Name

[[CMS_SITE_ADDR]]                            Address 
(when using this in a journal template, please add 6 times in the space where the address is required)

[[CMS_SITE_WEB$]]                            Web Site

[[CMS_ACC_MNGR$]]                           Account Manager

[[CMS_AREA_CODE$]]                         Area Code


Special Text Fields – Sites

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_SITE_NOTES$]]                        Site Notes Text


Contact Fields

[[CMC_TITLE$]]                                  Title

[[CMC_FORENAME$]]                           Forename

[[CMC_SURNAME$]]                            Surname

[[CMC_POSITION$]]                             Role

[[CMC_PHONE$]]                                 Phone

[[CMC_MOBILE$]]                                Mobile

[[CMC_FAX$]]                                     Fax

[[CMC_EMAIL$]]                                  E-mail


Special Text Fields – Contacts

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_CONTACT_NOTES$]]                Contact Notes Text


Vacancy Fields

[[ENIV_GEN_REF$]]                              Job Reference

[[ENIV_JOB_CODE$]]                            Job Role (code table)

[[ENID_POSITION$]]                             Job Role Description (code table description)

[[ENIV_ROLE_DESC$]]                          Job Role (free text description)

[[ENIV_NO_POS]]                                 Number of Positions available

[[ENIV_CONS$]]                                   Consultant

[[ENIV_EARL_START]]                          Start Date (earliest)

[[ENIV_LATEST_START]]                      Start Date (latest)   -              
this is used for the last date on a temporary or contract booking

[[ENIV_FROM_SAL]]                              Salary from

[[ENIV_TO_SAL]]                                  Salary to

[[ENIV_FROM_OTE]]                              On Target Earnings from

[[ENIV_TO_OTE]]                                  On Target Earnings to

[[ENIV_BENFITS$<1>]] to                     Benefits (code table) 1 to 10 (if description required ask

[[ENIV_BENFITS$<10>]]                                                                        Influence to set up)

[[ENIV_FROM_AGE]]                             Age from

[[ENIV_TO_AGE]]                                 Age to

[[ENIV_STATUS$]]                               Job status (Live, placed etc)

[[ENIV_ADVERT_CODE$<1>]] to          Advert with 1 to 10 (if description required ask

[[ENIV_ADVERT_CODE$<10>]]            Influence to set up)

[[ENIV_AD_DATE<1>]] to                    Advert Date 1 to 10 (if description required ask

[[ENIV_AD_DATE<10>]]                      Influence to set up)

[[ENIV_ADVERT_REF$<1>]] to             Advert Ref 1 to 10 (if description required ask

[[ENIV_ADVERT_REF$<10>]]               Influence to set up)


Special Text Fields – Vacancies

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_VACANCY_NOTES$]]                   Notes Text

[[TXT_VACANCY_PERSON$]]                 Person Notes Text

[[TXT_VACANCY_QUALS$]]                   Qualifications Notes Text

[[TXT_VACANCY_ROLE$]]                     Role Notes Text


Match / Interview

[[ENII_INT_CONT$]]                               Interviewer

[[ENII_INT_CONT_ROLE$]]                      Interviewers Job Title

[[ENII_INT_LOC$]]                                  Location

[[ENII_INT_ADDR]]                                 Address

[[ENII_INT_DATE]]                                  Interview Date

[[ENII_INT_TIME]]                                   Interview Time


Special Text Fields – Match/Interview

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_INTERVIEW_NOTES$]]                  Interview Notes Text


Client Fields

Special Text Fields – Clients

For all Special Text fields that begin [[TXT_  , please enter a number of the field names into a template next to each other; each one denotes a line of the specified text area – the field names will be removed if there is no text to fill them.

[[TXT_CLIENT_COMPETITORS$]]           Client Competitor Text

[[TXT_CLIENT_NOTES$]]                      Client Notes Text

[[TXT_CLIENT_PROFILE$]]                    Client Profile Text



The following fields have now been superseded and are shown here for record purposes:


Generated CV Fields

[[SPC_PROFILE_01]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1 to 200

[[SPC_PROFILE_02]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 201 to 400

[[SPC_PROFILE_03]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 401 to 600

[[SPC_PROFILE_04]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 601 to 800

[[SPC_PROFILE_05]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 801 to 1000

[[SPC_PROFILE_06]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1001 to 1200

[[SPC_PROFILE_07]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1201 to 1400

[[SPC_PROFILE_08]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1401 to 1600

[[SPC_PROFILE_09]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1601 to 1800

[[SPC_PROFILE_10]]                             Candidate Profile Text Bytes 1801 to 2000


Vacancy Job Spec Fields

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_01]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes 1 to 200

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_02]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_03]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_04]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_05]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_06]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_07]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_08]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_09]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes

[[SPC_ROLE_DESC_10]]                       Vacancy Role Description Bytes 1801 to 2000


Vacancy Qualification Fields

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_01]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes 1 to 200

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_02]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_03]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_04]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_05]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_06]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_07]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_08]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_09]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes

[[SPC_QUAL_DESC_10]]                       Vacancy Qualification Section Bytes 1801 to 2000


Vacancy Person / Experience Text Fields

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_01]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes 1 to 200

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_02]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_03]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_04]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_05]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_06]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_07]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_08]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_09]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes

[[SPC_PERS_EXP_10]]                          Vacancy Experience Section Bytes 1801 to 2000



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