Product Release Notes: Jan 2024 - Dec 2024

Created by Graeme Orchard, Modified on Fri, 26 Jul at 4:47 PM by Graeme Orchard

This article gives details of features and fixes included in each release of the software. To see which version you currently have installed see this article HERE 

For older release notes click HERE (Jan 2022-Dec 2022)

For older release notes click HERE (Jan 2023-Dec 2023)




RELEASE NOTES:  Jan-Dec 2024


For earlier releases please use the links above to see the features release during the relevant year.

IMPORTANT  INFO:  Accessing your database from abroad

If you are an Influence direct customer using a database in our hosted data centres, then please be aware that enhanced security is now in place. In order to protect your data, when accessing from many non-UK locations, especially outside Europe, you will need to use a VPN that provides a UK-Based IP address. This is to help protect your data from hackers and other online threats. 

Typical VPN providers include Norton, NORD VPN, Express VPN, Cyberghost, etc. Influence do not endorse or recommend any specific VPN.

(NB: Some mainland European locations are allowed, but a VPN is always preferred. Always abide by local laws when using a VPN as this may be illegal from some locations.)

Version History (Click an item to jump to that section)





(Coming soon) Next Release: 



Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- tbc

Bug Fixes

- TBC.

Release: (26/07/2024) Ver:


Drag/Drop Returned contracts to Auto-Store and Set Return Date

If using contract placements dropping a returned candidate contract onto the [Candidate] sub-tab of a contract placement will tick it as returned, and set the return date. It will also store a copy on the DOCS tab, in a specific slot.

Something similar happens when dropping returned client contracts onto the [Company] tab. 

The new feature is activated with Parameter PLACEMENT, FLAG(53) and the slots to store the documents are specified with parameters PLACEMENT, Integer (12/13) 

WhatsApp Feature (Web Link)

From this release, it is now possible to initiate WhatsApp (web) from within Influence.

This offers limited integration with WhatsApp and basically means you can start a WhatsApp session/conversation on your linked Device (normally a Phone) from within Influence.

IMPORTANT Clarification
Messages sent via WhatsApp are not stored in Influence - they are only visible within the WhatsApp account that sent them. Messages sent via WhatsApp in this way are only stored/seen in WhatsApp.

For Candidates & Contacts in the system, if there is a valid mobile phone number stored in the Mobile field, then clicking the WhatsApp icon next to the number, will create a Web Link of the format   where nnnnnnn is the mobile number.

This weblink will be stored in one of the two 'Social network' fields (provided they are not already populated)

Clicking either icon, will open a web page for WhatsApp. From there you can open WhatsApp Web and link this to your Phone/Device. You can then  send messages from on-screen, as you would if you were contacting this person directly from the WhatsApp app on your phone.

IMPORTANT Clarification
Messages sent via WhatsApp are not stored in Influence - they are only visible within the WhatsApp account that sent them. Messages sent via WhatsApp in this way are only stored/seen in WhatsApp.

For more information regarding this feature, see our support article here:

New Pay Type - PAYE (Rolled-Up)

Following a recent ruling, it is now more common for workers to be registed as a PAYE worker, but to receive their pay "Rolled-Up" (i.e. including Holiday Pay)

In order to accomodate this a new Pay type has been introduced, and a new column added to rate cards to hold the 'Rolled-Up' Pay rates. Workers with Rolled-Up pay will not have a WTD (Working Time Directive) value added to their pay, since this holiday allowance is already included.

When viewing these figures at varioius points through the system, the WTD will be set to zero to refleect the fatc that the holiday pay is already included in the Pay rate that has been set. 

In order to indicate that a Pay Type is 'Rolled-up' it needs to be set within the Pay Type [166] code table, using
Extra Info [ ] and setting the PAYE Rolled Up column to a value of 1.00

For More information see our support article:

UAC (User Access Control) now allows 'Only when Blank' control for fields

It is now possible to use the UAC (user access control) feature to specify a list of users who can access a field only when it is <Blank>. This means that users can populate the field initially, but it then becomes 'locked' for those users and cannot be subsequently adjusted. Other userIDs (such as ADM) can be set to always allow editing of the field.

It is also possible to make a field 'Mandatory when blank' so that users must fill the field when it is blank, but it subsequently becomes locked.

For more detail about UAC (USer Access Control) see our support article.

Add candidate compliance documents to Attachment Buffer (paperclip) 

It is now possible go to the [Compliance] tab of a candidate record and select multiple documents to add to the Attchment buffer (Paperclip icon) in the toolbar so they can easily be sent out to clients/contacts as needed.

At the bottom left is a new paperclip icon. Upon pressing this, users can then choose from any of the stored compliance documents. The selected items will be added to the attachment buffer at the top of the screen. When selecting multiple documents they can either be added individually or bundled into a *.Zip file containing all the items.

Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- Cognito Timesheets > Validate FORENAME/SURNAME for workers when importing timesheet submissions.

Currently the system always checks that the Forename/Surname in the submission email match those of the candidate in the database, and will reject the timesheet if they do not match.

In this release, two new parameters have been introduced to control whether the forename/surname need to match. Users will be alerted to any mismatches using an on-screen message.

Two new parameters will be introduced.

FORMS, Flag(15) - Cognito TS Check Forename

FORMS, Flag(16) - Cognito TS Check Surname

- Advertising Text filter now highlights text on the [Advertising] tab.

The advertising text filter on the [Vacancies] workbench now highlights text (in yellow) on the ADVERT tab.  See below.

Bug Fixes

- N/A

Release: (04/06/2024) Ver:


Delete Client Documents (Allow All)

A new parameter has been introduced to allow the deletion of documents from the CLIENT page, even if the user has no other 'Delete' permissions. Setting the system parameter RECD Flag 47 - Client Docs - Always allow Deletion will always allow all users to right-click and delete documents from the [Docs] tab of a client - even if the 'Delete' priority on their UserID is set to 00.

Unlimited length Attachments for Journals

When designing a new Journal template, it is now possible to specify longer filenames for the attachments, and an unlimited amount of files. Previously the attachment name length was limited to 80-characters, and a maximum of 10 files.

NOTE: This is only possible after release has been installed - prior to this the original (80-character/10 file) limits apply.

Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- For reporting, when the CALL TYPE for a Task is changed, then it is recorded in the Journal Status Change table.

This means that these change are available for reporting in Influence Analytical (if you have it), and can also be reported using the SQL query tool or IQuery reports.

- A new parameter has been introduced to be able to hide the 'Bank Details' tab within the Candidate Record on the 'Controls/Financials' tab.  Parameter REC_C, Pri(5) can be used to specify a priority level to be able to see these details. If desired you can link a UAC (user access control list) to the parameter to specify a list of UserIDs who are allowed to see these details.

NOTE: If these details are hidden then users will not be able to complete them when adding new workers/candidates - only users to whom they are visible will be able to add/complete these details.

- Exporting the Master Planner into MS Excel will now include any 'additional' columns that have been added to the right of the main Planner columns.

- Setting either Block All or Allow All in the Consent Centre (?) at the top of the screen, will now record a Journal on the candidate with details of the user who did this (as well as the date/time of the action)  - SEE BELOW.

Bug Fixes

- With individual cognito timesheets, dropping a Timesheet in after other earlier days have been processed does not work - message comes back that the earliest entered and updated timesheet has already been processed. This has been fixed.

Release: (03/05/2024) Ver:



The TIMESHEET ENTRY screen has had a new Tab added to enable the use of more filters when searching/viewing timesheets.

When any of these additional filters have been set and are In-Use the tab will show an asterisk (*) to indicate to the user that it is being used. 

e.g.   [More Filters *]

NOTE: The filter Wrkr Pay Type is similar to the Pay Type  filter on the normal 'Filters'  but looks at the current Pay Type set on the worker, as opposed to the Pay type that is actually set on the Timesheet record itself.

Ad-Hoc filters added to PLANNER

On the PLANNER screen, it is now possible to apply an Ad-Hoc filter to any of the Booking Markers (e.g. Available AM, Available PM, etc) and effectively 'Zoom in' on the items you are interested in.

For example, if you wanted to find all workers with an 'Available-PM Marker on a specific day, you can use the Ad-Hoc filter to select, then just 'Refresh' the view.

Compliance Item marked as N/A (Not Applicable)

On the [Compliance] tab of a worker, it is now possible to Right-Click in the [✅] column and mark the item as X (Not Applicable). This is ideal for items such as 'Overseas Police Check' which may be applicable for a teaching role, but only for Non-UK teachers. Setting this to N/A will treat the item as compliant for booking purposes. It will be shown 

Within the RAG report (Red/Amber/Green) these N/A Items will be indicated.

In order to enable the feature, you need to go to the compliance item definition and Enable the ability to set "N/A" for any items which should allow this.

Cognito Timesheets - 1 Timesheet per Day

The existing feature that allows users to send links to an on-line timesheet file (Cognito Forms) has not been enhanced to allow the system to produce an individual link, per-day.

Previously the system would produce a single link to a timesheet with all days.

It is now possible (if desired) for the system to produce multiple links, e.g.

Click Here to Timesheet:   Tue 23/04/2024 (14:00-18:00 as Production Operative)

Click Here to Timesheet:   Wed 24/04/2024 (14:00-18:00 as Production Operative)


Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- TIMESHEET ENTRY, Confirm to Client. This has been improved so that when sending timesheet confirmations, the drop-down list of contacts new excludes any 'left' contacts.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if editing a client compliance item and adjusting the 'Stage' details.

- Corrected an issue with Fixed Rates that could cause the system to lookup a previous 'Fixed' rate if changes were made within the booking Entry screen that caused a re-lookup of the rates.

- Fixed a journal problem when using Snippet-Text within a Multi-line Merge field. Now works with Snippets, Multiline merge fields and a snippet within a multiline merge field. {Useful for Booking confirmations of multiple workers to clients/candidates}

Release: (10/04/2024) Ver:



Default Purchase Order No., can be stored on site, and used on Vacancies/Bookings.

A new field can be created on the [Misc] tab of a site record to hold a P/O Number. If a P/O number is set on the site, then this gets copied through to the [Controls] tab of any Temporary Vacancies added to that site (although it can be left blank and/or overtyped on the Vacancy record itself).

Any bookings made against the vacancy will take the P/O Number from the vacancy.

A new parameter, CMS, INTEGER(20) is used to define which field on the SITE record gets used for the P/O Number.

Maximum Weekly Hrs for TEMP Vacancy.

A new feature has been added to allow users to specify the Maximum Weekly Hours for a Temp Booking. If bookings are added to the vacancy that exceed the hours specified, then a warning will be displayed.

In the example above, the booking that have been added exceed 30Hrs, and so a warning has been displayed.

There are 3 new parameters that are used to control this.


TEMPS, Integer 14 - Vac Xtra Hrs Slot to Limit Weekly Bked Hrs.

TEMPS, Flag 50 - Allow Over Vac Week Hrs (N)o/(W)arn

TEMPS, Glossary 1-10 - Labels for Extra Hours fields.

Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- The length of the 'Pay Type' field box on the [Controls] tab of a candidate has been increased so that the Hover-Tip for History now shows, provided the length of the description does not overflow the box.

Bug Fixes

- N/A

Release: (28/03/2024) Ver:


Set Values for Group, extended to allow setting of 'Company Trade Details'

When logged in as the UserID "ADM" you can use the properties of a GROUP to set field values En-Masse for all members of the Group. This feature has now been extended and allows you to use the same Group of Candidates/Workers to set fields relating to the 'Company Trade Details' (for things like Umbrella companies, etc.)

Compliance filters/Shared Compliance filters can now be saved to [Candidate] workbench

It is now possible for users to create a Compliance filter on the [Candidates] workbench and to save this filter for future use. Saved filter will be shown at the left of the workbench and can be ticked ✅ to apply the filter.

When multiple filters are ticked, they are combined using logical AND

Filters which are created when logged in with the UserID "VIEW" are treated as shared filters and will be available for all users, shown at the left of the workbench as Shared Compliance

HOME page remembers last tab from previous login

When logging into the system and selecting the [HOME] page, the system will now remember the previous tab and open up on the tab when the users next logs in. 

Enhanced Reference Chasing - (Now allows Re-Send of original reference request email)

The Compliance Chase / Reference Chase module has been enhanced, and now allows users to manually pick/send an initial Reference email and select the document(s) they want to attach, and then subsequently use the Chase feature to re-send the initial email (possibly with a different subject) so that the same reference forms are sent.

This can be particularly useful in sectors such as Education where different types of staff require different references to be obtained (e.g. Teachers need a different quantity and type of reference forms to be completed than TA's or support staff)

For more information see the article about compliance chasing, available HERE.

Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- When drilling into a client from the AWR report, the client record is opened in "TEMP CENTRE" context, and displays the [Worker History] tab within the client record.

- From this release onward, when the option to set booking owner for individual shifts is enabled (Parameter TEMPS, Flag(41) ) the "Book Owner" filter within TIMESHEET ENTRY looks at this Shift Owner. If there is no shift owner, then the Booking owner from the Booking Header/Vacancy is checked in the normal way.

This change also affects the 'Booking Owner' filter on the PLANNER and VIEWS workbenches.

- Back-End system adaptations to allow for changes to Minimum Wage (UK) 2024.

- Dragging/Dropping an email directly from MS Outlook onto the 'Booking Entry' form now correctly saves the *.msg file as a document against the booking. Previously it was necessary to save the file to the desktop first before drag/drop onto the booking entry form.

- Amended Candidate Status - It is now possible to specify a candidate status that will Set all Matches (except those at status PLA - Placed) to a specific status (such as SUS - Suspended) when chosen.

Parameter Enigma, Text(16) holds the status they will be set to, and the 'Extra Numerics' against code table Candidate Status [911] is used to specify which statuses will trigger this change.

- Within timesheets entry, changing any of the filters (such as shift, Pay Type, Booking Owner, etc.) would instantly re-run the search and update the results. There is now the ability to prevent this to allow users to change multiple filters before manually clicking [Search] to then update the results. The new feature is activated with parameter TEMPS, FLAG(49)

- Any Non-hours rates added to the Rate card for 'Daily Rate' bookings now allow the user to enter a 'quantity' - previously these were locked at quantity "1". This is useful for items such as mileage, so users can have a rate of £0.51 and enter a quantity of 'miles' they will be paid for,.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue that could cause a Crash when attempting to rename a document that had been dropped onto the [Compliance] tab of a worker record.

- Fixed an issue with SMS replies which meant that any reply showing a £-sign displayed "?" instead of the actual value

(e.g. £35k would become ?k ) - fixed by translating UTF-8 encoding.

- Fixed an issue when exporting Compliance 'RAG Report' to MS Excel that meant 'Visa' items were exported to Excel with the incorrect colour (showed as red in MS Excel instead of white/un-coloured)

- Made some changes to [Rate Codes] (217) code table, so that Extra Numeric (1) - Slot, now correctly links to the corresponding parameter in PayrollB, flag(1-10) for tempaid export code.  [Fixes only relevant for clients using export to TEMPAID,] - specifically used for TRVG systems.

Release: (01/02/2024) Ver:



New Compliance & Reference Chase Module.

A new Compliance & Reference Chase module has been added to the software.

This module can be used by system administrators or high-level users to setup chase sequences and follow-up on compliance items and documents that are required from candidates.

Essentially you can create a series of emails to be sent, that will check if certain compliance items have been received, or have expired since the last time an email was sent, and will then send the relevant email (chase 1, chase 2, chase 3, etc.) to the candidates as appropriate.

The tool is designed to help compliance managers and administrators in following-up (chasing) different items and paperwork from candidates to ensure that you have the right documentation recorded and on-file.

More information can be found in our support article HERE  or  go to our support website and search for Compliance Chase Module

Candidate Compliance Tab indicates Mandatory/Warnable/Optional items 

The [Compliance] tab of a candidate now has visual markers to indicate if an item is Mandatory, Warnable or Optional (Red, Amber, Green). If you hover over the traffic light icon, the system will indicate if the item is Mandatory, Warning or Optional, as well as if it is only applicable for specific Roles.

{All the info for these icons are based upon the setup of the compliance items themselves, from Maintenance > Setup > Compliance Setup as to whether they are Mandatory/Warnable/Optional.}

Candidate Compliance Tab - filter items by ROLE 

The [Compliance] tab of a candidate now allows users to filter the list of displayed items by ROLE.

At the top left is a ROLE drop-down. This can be setup to display ALL Roles, or restricted to only the ROLES specified on the [Requires] tab of the candidate (i.e. Those roles that they may wish to do)

{The Control over which Roles are available in the drop-down is via parameter

RECD Flag 44 - Cand Compliance Role Filter - Cand Roles only - The default is to restrict it to candidate sought roles only}

Margin Report now takes account of Consultant Splits for Temp Bookings

The Margin Report now takes account of Consultant Splits for Temp Bookings. Temp bookings linked to a Vacancy take the Split from the 'Placed' MATCH record on the vacancy; Temps bookings via a Booking Requirement take the Splits from the new [Splits] tab on the Booking Requirement; Temp Bookings made in the normal way (from the client/candidate or planner) take the splits from the TIMESHEET Record.

Vacancy Bookings -> Splits taken from the placed MATCH record on the Vacancy.

'Std' Bookings (from Client/Candidate/Planner) -> Splits taken from the Timesheet Entry record,

Bkg Requirement Bookings ->Splits taken from the new [Splits] tab added to the Bkg Requirement.

Create GROUP of Clients based on list of A/C Codes or Uniq_IDs

The existing feature to create a GROUP of candidates based upon a list of email_addresses/mobile numbers has been extended and now allows users to create a GROUP of Clients based upon an external list of A/C codes (Account codes) or Client Uniq_IDs.

A/C codes can be found to the bottom-left within the Company/Client record and the field may be labelled as Company code or Client code.

The Client Unique ID can be found within the 'Misc' tab of the Company/Client record.

The Client Group Creation tool can be found in Maintenance > Reporting Tools > Create GROUP from List

After copying the data click on the blue [Paste] button when pasting data, this is to ensure all copied data is pasted into the paste area.

Miscellaneous/Internal Developments

- Internal system developments linked to the integration with 'Signable'. Allows choice of 'Party' (1,2 or 3) and the order in which these parties are assigned for signing.

- It is now possible to HIDE the 'bank details' field of a candidate record, even when using multiple pay-types. In the case of multiple pay types, it is possible to set the system such that some fields are hidden on the [Controls] tab of the candidates, whilst others are hidden when viewing the actual pay-type window.

- When running an 'IQ Report' on multiple databases, the system now records the "Last Ran by / Last Run Date" separately 'per system' rather than a single 'last run' date across all systems.

- If parameter PAYROLLB, Flag(3) [Group Booking ID on Weekly TS] has been set, then the Combi-Sheet will display the Booking_ID at the top right. Only bookings related to the displayed ID will be shown in the Combi sheet for that week.

See below.

- Added a couple of new fields to the Custom Timesheet Exports , to allow the export of "Split Consultants"

If you have added SPLIT percentages to a Booking then it is possible to show the Consultant ID/percentage for up to 5 splits.

The consultants are held differently depending on the type of tempo booking.

* AdHoc / Std Bookings - Split consultants taken from Timesheet Entry

* Booking Linked to Vacancy - Split consultants taken from Vacancy MATCH/Placement record.

* Booking_Requirement Booking - Split consultants will be taken from the Requirement Header.

Bug Fixes

- When creating contact searches from the older 'Searching>Contacts>New' option, it was possible for the system to omit the relevant filters *if* parameter RECB,flag(25) had been set to revert to previous search. This behaviour has been rectified and searches now always offer the relevant filter criteria for Contact searches.

- Fixed an error which allowed extensions to booking requirements to bypass credit check compliance item. (Applied to requirements only, other ad-hoc bookings behaved correctly)

- Fixed an issue to hide the "All Offices" filter on the vacancies workbench for system that are not "Multi-Office". The filter should not have been displayed.

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